When I download pictures from my digital camera they are huge. I have to open them up one at a time in PSP and shrink them. The other day, after years of doing this stupid method, Ihad a great idea. I emailed all of the pictures to myself. When outlook asks “do you want to mail them as their original size or shrink them”, I choose the “shrink ’em” option. Then I have an email with all of the attachments of the new small sizes. I don’t even have to mail them. I can just copy them from the attachment input box in the email and paste them into a folder on my computer. Sweet. Stupid to have to do it this way though. I will have to go look on my Vista box to see if there is a nice function already built in to do that.
Update:Etienne Tremblay reminded me of the Microsoft PowerToys page that has the perfect utility – ImageResizer. There are a ton of awesome powertoys.
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