Vermont Red Cross offers training to volunteers who want to go to the Gulf Coast

A message from the Northern Vermont Chapter of the American Red Cross

“A hurricane of this magnitude is a true act of nature, something totally beyond our control. We can make a difference, though, by responding to those who so desperately need our help now,” said Rob Levine, Executive Director of the Northern Vermont Chapter. “With an upsurge in calls from many people who want to assist the Red Cross, we are offering training sessions over the next week to anyone who can commit to a two week deployment and who can meet the criteria of our volunteer recruitment system. In addition, we welcome new volunteers who might not be able to make a commitment to travel to the affected region but would be interested in learning how they can make a difference right here at home by attending the training sessions.”

Anyone interested in learning more can contact the Community Involvement department at the Chapter by calling 802-660-9130- ext. 104 or by e-mail at

by way of Cathy Resmer’s blog: 802 Online

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