Monthly Archives: February 2012

Take care with EF 4.3 AddOrUpdate Method

EF 4.3 added a new extension method for DbSet called AddOrUpdate.

It is meant for use with seeding data during migrations.

It looks like a nice method to add into your apps but that’s not it’s purpose.

The job of AddOrUpdate is to ensure that you don’t create duplicates when you seed data during development.

First, it will execute a query in your database looking for a record where whatever you supplied as a key (first parameter) matches the mapped column value (or values)  supplied in the AddOrUpdate. So this is a little loosey-goosey for matching but perfectly fine for seeding design time data.

More importantly, if a match is found then the update will update all and null out any that weren’t in your AddOrUpdate.

For example, if your type is:


  • Id
  • Name
  • UserName
  • CreateDate
  • Bio
  • Email

And there is a row in the database with

5, GiantPuppy, Sampson, 1/1/2011, I drool,

And your AddOrUpdate has

           a => a.Name,
           new Alias { Name = "GiantPuppy", UserName = "Sampson", CreateDate = DateTime.Now},
           new Alias { Name = "JulieLerman", UserName = "Julie", CreateDate = DateTime.Now}

The method will look for a row where whatever column maps to the Name property has the value GiantPuppy. It will then update all of the mapped properties.

  • Name: GiantPuppy
  • UserName: Sampson
  • CreateDate: whatever the time is
  • Bio: null  (because it wasn’t provided)
  • Email: null (because it wasn’t provided)

This is about the same as doing an update in a disconnected app where you attach an object, mark it as modified and call SaveChanges. I see people do this in MVC apps all the time. If there are properties that were left null in the object because you didn’t care about them in this particular case, the database values will get overwritten with null. Except this is worse because it’s not leaning on your entity key (e.g. Id mapped to primary key).

So be careful out there. Me? I’m planning to use AddOrUpdate only for seeding migrations!

Update: I thought it would be useful to answer Livingston’s question here in the main post.

The update will update all of the properties it sees as changed.

It queries for the match (name==GiantPuppy), compares the values in the AddOrUpdate command to the results and updates anything that’s different.

So the results of the query would return the Id field for Giantpuppy. The migration will see that GiantPuppy’s seed Bioi(null) is different than the database Bio (“I drool”), that the email (null) is different than the database email and that the createdate value is also different. 

Here is the update command it sends to the database:

exec sp_executesql N’update [dbo].[Aliases]
set  [Email] = null, [Bio] = null, [CreateDate] = @0
where ([Id] = @1)
from [dbo].[Aliases]
where @@ROWCOUNT > 0 and [Id] = @1′,
N’@0 datetime2(7),@1 int’,@0=’2012-02-29 20:57:23.2779868′,@1=3

It’s updating everything that’s different…. email, bio and CreateDate.

DbContext Book is Online!

The digital version of Programming Entity Framework: DbContext is now available directly from O’Reilly Media at

This was a nice surprise since production only sent the final manuscript to the print production department yesterday. Smile

The print version might be another week or so.

Amazon will most likely have the kindle version available sooner than they are able to ship printed copies.

The what-if brain: Social pariah for developers?

As developers and analysts, we spend a lot of time asking “what if?”.

What if the user enters too many characters into this data entry field?

What if the network hiccups during a database save?

What if users are allowed to delete the record for this consecutively numbered item and then another user worries about a missing item #?

The longer we have been coding or working with domain owners to plan software, the more problems we can anticipate and ask “what if” about. It’s a good thing.

But this “talent” has had an adverse impact on my personal life. I can’t turn off the “what-if” brain.

What if I gain too much speed on this icy ski slope and can’t stop and … and … . (This one freezes me at the top of the slope while my friends stand waiting for me lower down wondering WTF is wrong with me.)

What if the dog sees someone across the road and runs to greet them and there’s a car coming up the road but they don’t see him heading down the driveway? (Been there, done that. I watched one of my dogs get hit and killed by a car years ago.)

What if we did something wrong with the woodstove before we left the house?

What if I order this menu item but change my mind by the time it arrives at the table?

Most of the people in my life who aren’t part of my developer-friends circle just don’t understand this.

My husband just thinks I’m a ridiculous worrier.

I’m afraid that my friend’s children will learn to be afraid of more things because of me.

My neighbors think I’m a complete lunatic about Sampson or any of their dogs in the road.

I don’t have an answer for this. I’m not about to let my guard down in my software development or in my life. But I do tend to explain my little problem as a job hazard– that I just can’t turn off the “what-if” brain just because I’m not in front of the computer.


DbContext book status

largercoverThings are moving again! Our publisher had a production backup due to some staffing changes. Rowan and I are now reviewing the first version of the production manuscript (that is after they’ve converted our Microsoft Word documents into a single doc formatted for the final printing). We’ve got a PDF copy of that and are reading through and marking up any last changes we’d like to have fixed in the manuscript.

We’ve been told that the book will head to the printer (and digital production) on Feb 23rd. If it’s like the Code First book, the digital versions (PDF, mobi (aka kindle) and ebook from  O’Reilly and kindle from Amazon) will be available quickly with the print books to follow a week or so after that. Amazon has the book listed as “shipping March 8th” although I’m hoping that we see it sooner than that.


Using EF 4.3 Code First Migrations with an Existing Database

In working on my upcoming EF 4.3 Migrations video for Pluralsight, I wanted to work out how to use this with an existing database where I plan to add new types and therefore want migrations to not just use this database, but migrate it as well. Problem solved*, but then I tried to use it in a production application and found an easy-to-fix problem. So…I thought I’d share the process in a blog post while it’s on my mind.

The Purpose of the Migration-History Table

When you let EF 4.3 code first create a database for you, it inserts a Migration-History table into the new database. It’s hidden in System Tables. This is equivalent (in a way) to the EdmMetadata table you would have gotten with EF 4.1 & 4.2.

The table is used by two processes (maybe more that I haven’t encountered yet).

When you run the app using automatic migrations, if it’s doing any type of data initialization, it will check that Migration-History table to see if the database needs to be updated.

If you are using code-based migrations, Update-Database will also look at the Migration-History table.

If there’s no migration-history table (which there won’t be in an existing database), the model won’t be verified against the database with automatic migrations.

So you need to get that table into your existing database.

That table is created using the most recent migration file in your data layer.

Getting a Migration-History table into an existing database

If you’re starting with a new app, you won’t have that either.


Step 1) In Package Manager Console, execute “add-migration initial”.

This will force code first to create a migration class (which I chose to name “initial”) based on the code first model. It will have migration code to create all of the necessary database tables (based on what it’s found in the model) with their columns, keys and constraints.

But your database already exists! If you were to try to execute that migration and you have entities that map to those existing tables, EF will try to create the tables and tell you that the tables already exist.

Step 2) remove all code that duplicates existing tables from inside the Up and Down override methods in the initial migration. But, leave the methods there.

This is a little tricky. I find that it’s safer to do this when there’s nothing in my model yet that would required a database modification. That way it’s all clean. I’ve done this when I had one new class and then I had to start over again to get the true “initial database” and then start making any mods I want to my model.

Now, code first has a migration that contains no database modification code. That represents how things are at the beginning of EF 4.3 migrations involvement in your app.

Step 3) run Update-Database

This will do two things. It will execute the Up method in the initial migration, which has no effect on the database. And it will create the Migration-History table in your database based on the current state of the model. That way, if you are using automatic migrations, next time Code First does db initialization, it will compare the current model to the one stored in the migration-history to determine if the database needs to be migrated/updated.

Now you can evolve your app and let code first fix up your development database as needed.

The problem I encountered? A SQL Server 2000 Database

I was doing this with an existing client database (not production, but a copy for development … just sayin’  Winking smile)

When running Update-Database I got the following error:

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

Remember I’m not really updating my database. This was when code first was trying to create the Migration-History table.

It is an old database that has been recently updated to SS2008. Even though I’m using SQL Server 2008R2, that database was still set as a SQL Server 2000 database and was not happy with the format of the date field in the INSERT command:

INSERT INTO [__MigrationHistory] 
([MigrationId], [CreatedOn], [Model], [ProductVersion])
VALUES ('201202161546124_initial', '2012-02-16T15:55:56.252Z',
[big-ass hash you don’t need to see], '4.3.0')

Luckily, I was able to just update my database version to 2008  and the insert command succeeded with no problem.

*still finding some more interesting tasks I have to do. For example, as I ensure that my model mappings reflect the database, I have to rewrite my initial migration and delete the migration-history table (there might be a scaffold command for that but I’m doing it in SSMS) and call update-database again.

.NET/Sharepoint Dev Job in Albany/Saratoga NY area


Hallam-ICS is looking for a developer for their Malta, NY office.


  1. Strong OOD/OOP skills.
  2. Winforms, WPF, Silverlight and ASP.NET, mobile application development including MVC
  3. WCF Web services development
  4. Expert knowledge in the C# & VB.NET Programming languages (ObjectiveC is a plus)
  5. Strong background in designing relational databases, queries, stored procedures and functions.
  6. Experience with front end web development tools, including XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery
  7. Experience with XML and XSLT
  8. Experience using third party user controls
  9. Designing and implementing development workflow in Sharepoint.
  10. Experience with Change management systems.
  11. Experience with SCADA systems or PLC’s preferred but not necessary.

This individual will be designing a relational database backed web, desktop, mobile application to replace an antiquated system currently in use. There will be heavy emphasis on .NET, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, WCF and WinForms/Silverlight written in C#. This system may be integrated with various mobile platforms for tablet and phone. This individual will be responsible for all Microsoft Sharepoint design and implementation including generating workflows and management of document control. Experience with in-process change management systems highly desired.

Additionally, this individual may participate in QAQC document review of processes and procedures, SCADA development and PLC programming as required to support other team members when necessary.


Using T4Scaffolding to Create DbContext and Repository from Domain Classes

You may already be familiar with the fact that ASP.NET MVC 3 tooling includes a scaffolding option that let’s you point to a domain class and automatically build a Controller, a set of Views and if it does not exist yet, an Entity Framework DbContext class expose that class. The controller CRUD code uses the DbContext to perform it’s operations. Scott’s Guthrie & Hanselman both introduced us to this in blog posts last spring and I’ve certainly demo’d it way too many times.


This is handy but it puts all of the data access code into the controller. In other words, the controller works directly with the DbContext to perform queries & updates (etc).

If you have been paying attention, you may also be aware of the MVCScaffolding NuGet package that adds to these capabilities.

With this installed there are two new templates added to the MVC Add Controller wizard, one which adds a simple repository to the mix.


MVCScaffolding relies on another NuGet package, T4Scaffolding which contains many of the scaffolding templates used by MVCScaffolding.

I was working on the back end of a new app that may or may not have MVC as it’s front end UI. I had created my domain classes and the next step was to create a DbContext to wrap them as well as repositories. I didn’t want to code those by hand. I wanted that MVC tooling to get some of the grunt work out of the way for me. A little reading helped me learn that I could use the T4Scaffolding directly to get the same DbContext & Repository creation without being part of an MVC app (i.e. no controllers or views created).

Here’s how I worked it out.

In my solution where I already had my DomainClasses project, I added a new project, Data Layer.

I then installed Entity Framework via NuGet into this project:


Notice that NuGet automatically picks up the the latest version of EF, 4.3. I could have used the Package Manager Library UI to install EF, but since I had to the rest in the console window, I’m just doing all of these tasks in the console window.

Next, I install T4Scaffolding.


Important Pointers!

  • Currently, T4 Scaffolding will install EF 4.1 if you don’t already have EF 4.1 or greater in your project. That’s why I installed EF first, so I can be sure to use the newest version.
  • In the package manager console window, I have my default project pointing to DataLayer. I often forget to specify the project and install NuGet packages into the wrong project. Winking smile

With the package installed, I can now start working towards letting it build out the context & repository for me.

First I need to reference DomainClasses from the DataLayer project

Then I build the solution so that DataLayer can see the DomainClasses for the next step. Smile

Now in the Package Manager Console Window, I’ll use the command to build the repository code. The T4 template that builds the context & repo is called repository. The command is scaffold. I want to run scaffold using the repository template and base the output on my Alias class. I must use Alias’ fully qualified name so that it can be found.

The command is

scaffold repository DomainClasses.Alias

However, I want to specify the name of my context. The default will be DataLayerContext (using the project name). I want it to be TwitterContext.

scaffold repository DomainClasses.Alias -DbContextType:TwitterContext


The result is that a new context & repository class get created in the target project (DataLayer).

There’s some default behavior that is not exactly to my liking and I can use additional parameters as well as modify the T4 template (here’s a post from Steve Sanderson as part of the MVC Scaffolding series that will help with that) but for now I’m happy to just move files around, which I’ll do shortly.

Here’s the context class.

    public class TwitterContext : DbContext
      public DbSet<DomainClasses.Alias> Aliases { get; set; }

Now I’ll add another class from my domain model to the mix: Tweet.


Notice that since TwitterContext already existed, we don’t get a second context class, the template alters the existing one:

    public class TwitterContext : DbContext
      public DbSet<DomainClasses.Alias> Aliases { get; set; }
      public DbSet<DomainClasses.Tweet> Tweets { get; set; }

Finally, I’ll just move things around so they are more to my liking:


I’ve created a Repositories project that has references to EF4.3, DataLayer and DomainClasses.

Now I can use the context & repos as they are or take the generated code (which has saved me a lot of time) and tweak it to my needs. But this has taken a lot of the repetitive typing away from me and started me on a path of success. Smile Happiness.

Thanks to Steve Sanderson & others who worked on this tooling!

(Oh and if you could modify the template to pull in “latest version of EntityFramework.dll”, that would be handy.)

New EF Validations Video on Pluralsight

My newest course is live on This one is all about performing data layer validations in EF 4.1 (4.2, 4.3) using the Validation API that’s part of the DbContext.

Data Layer Validation with Entity Framework 4.1+
Working with the DbContext Validation API

(total 1 hr 54 m)

  • Module 1: Data Layer Validation with Entity Framework DbContext
  • Module 2: Customizing Entity Framework Data Layer Validation
  • Module 3: Integrating Entity Framework Validation with MVC and WCF Data Services

Here’s the entire list of EF courses I’ve done for Pluralsight (so far Smile). I’ve sorted them in the order you might want to watch them in.

Entity Framework (7 courses)

Entity Framework 4.0 By Example
27 Aug 2010

Entity Framework and Data Models
5 Nov 2010

Designer Supported EDM Customization
6 Jan 2011

Querying the Entity Framework
28 Feb 2011

Entity Framework 4.1 – Code First
18 Jun 2011

Entity Framework 4.1 – DbContext Data Access
27 Sep 2011

Data Layer Validation with Entity Framework 4.1+
8 Feb 2012

Coming soon: Entity Framework 4.3: Code First Migrations and other changes