TechEd 2004 BOF – another Women Who Code BOF

Here’s the description:

This will be an opportunity to continue conversations begun at PDC as well as the TechEd 2004 Women in I.T. Luncheon. Meet other women who are programmers and discover that you are not, in fact, an alien! Chat about our visibility in the industry and other related issues that sometimes make us scratch our heads and wonder.

I tried to word this carefully so that nobody would start in on me. If you have any questions in that vein, just read this. The session is not intended to be some political bra-burning event. Do you know how expensive bras are, anyway? At PDC we had a cool discussion that involved also a lot of men who were curious about their daughter’s future in tech or trends they have noticed in university etc.

Personally I just love meeting other women at conferences who are programmers. I don’t feel quite so out of place. We have an abnormally high percentage of women in my user group, too.

There is also going to be a Women in Tech luncheon with a panel, similar to last TechEd. So I will pull some strings to ensure that this BOF is AFTER that luncheon.

Oh and go vote! It’s  then “proposed sessions”.

There are a bunch of other great sessions up there already, too.

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