Windows! no, Web! no, Smart Client! no, Web! Oh, advertising….!

lots of buzz about the MS Live announcement. When .NET came out the message was all about web apps and web services. THen for the last few years it has been all about smart client. Now with AJAX and ATLAS on the horizon, web apps are getting richer and competing with Smart Clients again. Now there is windows live and office live – but somehow the repetetive them that kept jumping out at me when reading the press release was “advertising”.

“Windows Live will primarily be delivered free to users and supported by advertising, “

Office Live Basics helps a small business establish an online Internet presence including a domain name, a Web site with 30 MB of storage and five Web e-mail accounts at no charge through an advertising-supported model.

Advertiser Opportunities The addition of Office Live and Windows Live services enables advertisers to reach an even larger, more engaged audience. Today Ozzie outlined Microsoft’s vision for an advertising network powered by MSN adCenter, where advertisers will have access to tools that provide them with control, insight and intelligence to create more meaningful connections with customers. The advertising network will be open to partners over time so advertisers can connect with a broader audience through traditional media as well as new scenarios such as Internet Protocol television (IPTV) and mobile communications products.

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