Five Things (This is Dave Burke’s fault)

Dave Burke’s Five Things … listing some interesting personal details of his life that you probably didn’t know (and I certianly didn’t and was fascinated) has tasked me with trying to the do the same.

The problem is that I think anyone who reads my blog already knows anything that might be somewhat interesting about my deep dark past.

But now I realize that i’m not allowed to bail. I’ve also been tagged by Andy Beaulieu. So here goes:

  1. I have been to a Playmate of the Year party at Hugh Hefner’s mansion in L.A.
  2. I was a Cosmo Girl for two years in a row – interviewed by Helen Gurley Brown for Cosmopolitan Magazine’s annual “what are young, cosmopolitan women thinking about home, fashion, work, romance, money, etc.”
  3. I have written software for Macs.
  4. My first programming experience was on home-built Heathkit computers (by the math profs at my college).
  5. For about 10 years, I split my time between programming and pottery. I had space in studio near my apartment in Brooklyn and spent about 20 hours a week there. I hope to pot again someday.

Okay, now who am I going to tag? Hmmm.

  1. Mike Gunderloy
  2. Kate Gregory
  3. hmmm Sam’s been there and done that. Apparently, C was not his first language after all! 😉
  4. Camey Combs
  5. Amanda Murphy

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