Tag Archives: CoreCLR

What’s Coming Up in EFCore’s Near Future

EF Core 1.0.0 was released June 27 along with ASP.NET Core.

Even before that date, more goodies were added and fixes were made that were not able to get into that package. For example, we’ve got DbSet.Find back now in the nightly builds and a fix for a big performance problem [that affected a narrow set of use cases which is probably why it went undetected for so long] which related to the asynchronous eager loading (Include). It was fixed within a few days of the issue being created.

There is a patch (1.0.1) coming hopefully in early August. (From dotnet blog linked below: “There is no scheduled date for this patch update but early August is likely.” ) But that is only a patch to fix important bugs. (Maybe the async include performance fix will be in there but Rowan Miller explicitly said “Find” is in 1.1, not 1.0.1.)


1.1 is feature release and is planned for possibly Q4 2016. This is the one where we go from project.json back to csproj/msbuild.  From the mid-July dotnet blog post titled .NET Core Roadmap , below is the list of the important features that will come to EF Core at that time.

If you don’t see what you are looking for I have two suggestions:

  1. Look at the EF Core roadmap on its Github repository. You can find it at bit.ly/efcoreroadmap.
  2. Search the github repository. For example, here’s a search for those of you looking for TPT conversations

Entity Framework Core Minor Update (1.1?)
Q4 2016 / Q1 2017

  • Azure
    • Transient fault handling (resiliency)
  • Mapping
    • Custom type conversions
    • Complex types (value objects)
    • Entity entry APIs
  • Update pipeline
    • CUD stored procedures
    • Better batching (TVPs)
    • Ambient transactions
  • Query
    • Stability, performance.
  • Migrations
    • Seed data
    • Stability
  • Reverse engineer
    • Pluralization
    • VS item template (UX)


Video of My .NET on a Mac Demo at DotNetFringe

Last week at the awesome DotNetFringe conference in Portland, Oregon, I did a 30 minute demo of building an ASP.NET Web API with Entity Framework using Visual Studio Code on my lovely MacBookPro. So it’s .NET on a mac (coding, debugging and running). It is *that* cross platform.

I also talked about some of the features of ASPNetCore and EFCore. I used other cross platform stuff like JetBrains’ DataGrip IDE for interacting with numerous databases on numerous platforms, PostgreSQL database, xunit for testing and more!

It was a boatload of fun and it’s on YouTube:

The solution I showed in the demo is in my github repository: julielerman/EFCore-ASPNetCore-WebAPI-RTM