Tag Archives: skill

EF Core 8 Courses are Live on Pluralsight

I spent much of the fall and winter updating my three EF Core courses.

EF Core 8 Fundamentals is a brand new version of the course. The EF Core 6 Fundamentals and earlier versions remain as separate courses always available.

EF Core and Domain-Driven Design has also been updated to EF Core 8. This is what Pluralsight calls an “in-place” update. There is no longer a separate EF Core 6 and DDD course, but the new course , while focusing on EF Core 8, calls out important differences you may encounter if you are using EF Core 6 or 7.

EF Core: The Big Picture. This now uses EF Core 8 although it is relevant to previous versions again with shout outs to important differences.

You can find all of my courses, including “retired” courses like EF Core 5 Getting Started, on my Pluralsight author page.

Other courses in Pluralsight’s EF Core 6 path (there are multiple authors) are also getting updated to EF Core 8.