Monthly Archives: February 2016

Specifying Global TypeScript server path in Visual Studio Code in OSX

Since I’m really new to working on a mac, the instructions on the VSCode blog post ( for enabling Salsa for TypeScript in VSCode was just not enough for me. This is the instruction:

You then have to tell VS Code the install location using the typescript.tsdk setting. Set typescript.tsdk to the path of thelib folder containing the tsserver.js file of the installed TypeScript module.

I had done a global install. And since hidden files and the usr/ folder are also a mystery to me, it took me a while to figure out that this is how to specify that in the settings.json file in VSCode.

“typescript.tsdk”: “usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsserver”

I hope someone can save some time by finding this blog post.

salsa in vscode

OSX, ASPNetCore, EFCore and CoreCLI, oh my!

After moving some RC1 test projects from windows over to my MacBook, it was time to start from scratch in OS X to see what that experience was like. Installing all the right pieces. I’d been using Visual Studio Code already on windows for nodes programming, but doing that for an ASP.NET 5 project is a little harder since the debugging for that isn’t implemented yet. At the same time I’m still getting used to navigating my way around a Mac … keystrokes, bash commands etc.

But I did get a small sample worked out and even used PostgreSQL to do the job.

That (remember, RC1) little test is on github here:

But RC2 is a different beast!

Addendum because so many have asked: I am using the nightly builds of RC2. It is not out yet!

DNX is transitioning to CoreCLI with new underlying APIs. And there was that name change. ASPNET 5 became ASP.NET Core and EF7 became EF Core. The package and namespaces have changed.

And in the meantime, EF7/EFCore is still going through changes with RC2. To me the most significant is the work the team has been doing to help with disconnected graphs. You can read the latest (and I think final) state of how EF will handle disconnected graphs here on github.

I tried a few paths to starting a new project to try out RC2. Here’s some twitter evidence:

I had watched the video of David Fowler & Damien Edward’s talk about Core CLI from NDC London and David did the demos on a mac.

But it took a tweet from Tony Sneed to remind me that I could get David’s demos from github:

Indeed, that was the best starting point. I cloned that repository onto my MacBook and made sure I could run all three projects.

Now I’m working on building out the HelloMVC project by adding in the model, dbcontext, controllers and other relevant bits from my RC1.

At the moment (as of Feb 1 2016), the dotnet ef migrations commands aren’t working but Brice Lambson is working hard on it and says that should be pushed up this week. (Watch this github issue.)

And it might be a while before the Postgres provider gets updated to work with the new namespaces and package dependencies  but we do have the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite provider that will work on OS X although there seem to be a lot of problems at the moment with that on Linux. But I’ll be trying that out anyway.