EDMGEN.exe – EDM Command Line Gen Tool

I saw mention of this new version of the command line tool in this forum post so I went looking in the MarchCTP. I modified some of the desciriptions a little to fit them onto a powerpoint slide, so this is a tad different than the real tihng

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5.20209>edmgen /help

Microsoft (R) EdmGen version
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2006. All rights reserved.

                                           EdmGen Options
/mode:ValidateArtifacts                 Validate the ssdl, msl, and csdl files
/mode:FullGeneration                    Generate ssdl, msl, csdl, and objects from the database
/mode:FromSsdlGeneration                Generate msl, csdl, and objects from an ssdl file
/mode:EntityClassGeneration             Generate objects from a csdl file
/mode:ViewGeneration                    Generate mapping views from ssdl, msl, and csdl files
/project:<string>                       The base name to be used for all the artifact files (short form: /p)

/connectionstring:<connection string>   The connection string to the database that you would like to connect to (short form: /c)
/incsdl:<file>                          The file to read the conceptual model from
/inmsl:<file>                           The file to read the mapping from
/inssdl:<file>                          The file to read the storage model from
/outcsdl:<file>                         The file to write the generated conceptual model to
/outmsl:<file>                          The file to write the generated mapping to
/outssdl:<file>                         The file to write the generated storage model to
/outobjectlayer:<file>                  The file to write the generated object layer to
/outviews:<file>                        The file to write the pre generated view objects to
/language:Vb                            Generate code using the VB language
/language:CSharp                        Generate code using the C# language
/namespace:<string>                     The namespace name to use for the conceptual modely types
/entitycontainer:<string>               The name to use for the EntityContainer in the conceptual model
/help                                   Display the usage message (short form: /?)
/nologo                                 Suppress copyright message


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