Eight Entity Framework Tutorials on DataDeveloper.NET

August 2008 Note: the datadeveloper.net site is “in between hosts”. I am not responsible for this site, just a contributor. I don’t have access to the tutorials but I have found some copies of them and am putting them here: www.learnentityframework.com/tutorials.

I’ve written a set of Entity Framework (and one which is more general for LINQ to Entities and LINQ to SQL) tutorials that are on DataDeveloper.NET Tutorials page.

Most of these are beginner basics. The “101 Tutorials” are designed to make sure new programmers don’t get completely lost. So if you need the extra handholding, it’s there, if not just skim over it to get to the juicy bits.

The Tutorials so far are:

101 Tutorial:Creating an ADO.NET Entity Framework Entity Data Model

101 Tutorial: Use an Entity Framework Entity as a WinForms Data Source

Many to Many Relationships in the Entity Data Model

Using Stored Procedures for Insert, Update & Delete in an Entity Data Model

Naming conventions in an Entity Data Model: Cleaning up the wizard-generated EDM

Adding items to a LINQ Query of anonymous types – after the fact

101 Tutorial: ASP.NET DataBinding with the Entity Framework

101 Tutorials: WPF Databinding with Entity Framework

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One thought on “Eight Entity Framework Tutorials on DataDeveloper.NET

  1. The following two links are broken.

    Naming conventions in an Entity Data Model: Cleaning up the wizard-generated EDM

    Adding items to a LINQ Query of anonymous types – after the fact

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