EF Core Getting Started Pluralsight Course Trailer

I totally forgot to look for this after my Entity Framework Core: Getting Started course was published on Pluralsight.

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5 thoughts on “EF Core Getting Started Pluralsight Course Trailer

  1. Saw you visit to Microsoft Visual Studio on Channel 9. Was wondering about your comment about turning off tracking for webapi/read only data – does this still apply to things that you do a “.tolist” – does “.tolist” generate tracking items?

    1. it applies to all linq query execution. By default any EF LINQ query that you execute (using one of the linq methods that triggers execution such as ToList, FirstOrDefault, etc) will cause EF to track the results. You can use notracking in the query itself to prevent the results of that query from getting tracked, or disable tracking at the context level (which is the new capability I spoke of). Hope that helps.

    1. The true definition of odata is the format which is a standard and I don’t think that’s going away (http://www.odata.org/blog/). However, I think you are probably referring to our ability to build odata services on top of EF …something I haven’t haven’t paid much attention to it lately. Lots of chatter about support for .net core here: https://github.com/odata/WebApi/issues. You should be able to build the Web APIs with EF Core 1.0 (supports .net 4.5+) but EF Core 2.0 depends on .net standard 2.0 which is only aligned with .NET 4.6.1+ so I really don’t know what’s going on. Sorry. Perhaps some of those links will help you discuss this with folks who know more?

  2. Your Pluralsight EFCore video example fails early on in demonstration when the add-migration initialization command is initiated. It fails indicating a “System.IO.FileLoadException” error occurred from System.ValueTuple, Version=, Culture=neutral ….. exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040. Is this due to a code break(s) from EFcore 1.1 to 2.0 or other updates s within Visual Studio 2017 v15.3.2 ?

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