Tag Archives: EFCore6

EF Core Fundamentals for EF Core 7 (Pluralsight)

Last spring Pluralsight published my 7.5 hour EF Core Fundamentals course. I hope that given my history with EF, EF Core , my books, talks and courses that you will already know that it’s a very good and in-depth course. And the response to the course has been great!

Unfortunately the course has the version number in it: It is really called EF Core 6 Fundamentals which I believe causes devs using the current version (EF Core 7) to hesitate watching the course.

These fundamentals do not really change from one version to the next. It is the advanced features that the EF Core team is evolving.  The course is still totally relevant for EF Core 7 and you can use EF Core 7 to work through the course.

There are new features you should be aware of that I covered in the EF Core 7: It Just Keeps Getting Better article in Code Magazine’s, Code Focus issue on .NET 7 such as bulk updates and deletes, mapping stored procedures and more (some of which I would consider “fundamental”, others a bit more advanced).  But the basics  continue to work just as they do in EF Core 6. 

There’s no need to shy away from either of these courses or any of the others on the EF Core 6 track  on Pluralsight if you are using EF Core 7.

In fact, I have updated every single project from the course to EF Core 7 and except for one small tweak (not even related to EF Core) in the API Testing demo (from Module 13), every demo ran exactly the same in EF Core 7 as it does in EF Core 6.

All of the updated projects are in a new branch in the PluralsightEFCore6Fundamentals GItHub repo dedicated to the source code for the course.

Because of the course length and the fact that EF Core 7 is not a Long-Term Support (LTS) version, Pluralsight and I decided not to update this course. Many of the EF Core and ASP.NET core courses went the same way.

I also created a much more advanced course called EF Core 6 and Domain-Driven Design. While I was forced to put “6” in this course title and defaulted to EF Core 6 for all of the lessons, anywhere that EF Core 7 features or behaviors were different, I called them out in that course.

So there’s no need to shy away from either of these courses or any of the others on the EF Core 6 track  on Pluralsight if you are using EF Core 7.

New on Pluralsight! EF Core 6 Fundamentals!

I’m so excited to share with you that I have a new course on Pluralsight: EF Core 6 Fundamentals. I’ve been working on it for a while and it is the biggest course I’ve ever created. It is 7.5 hours long. It’s a lot more than the breadth of the previous Getting Started courses.  

And there’s an additional bonus. Pluralsight is having a sale on subscriptions right now. 33% off through May 12, 2022.

There are 16 modules if you count the course overview which is just a 1.5 minute “trailer” about the course. This is not just a refresh of the recent EF Core 5 Getting Started course. In fact, I retired the samurais and have introduced a book publisher as the domain this time. Below is the list of module titles for my new course.

I’ve also posted the sample code for the course in this repository on my Github account

  1. Course Overview
  2. Building Your First Application using EF Core
  3. Using EF Core 6 to Query a Database
  4. Tracking and Saving Data with EF Core
  5. Controlling Database Creation and Schema with Migrations
  6. Defining One-to-Many Relationships
  7. Logging EF Core Activity and SQL
  8. Interacting with Related Data
  9. Defining and Using Many-to-Many Relationships
  10. Defining and Using One-to-One Relationships
  11. Working with Views and Stored Procedures and Raw SQL
  12. Using EF Core with ASP.NET Core Apps
  13. Testing with EF Core
  14. Adding Some More Practical Mappings to Your Application
  15. Understanding EF Core’s Database Connectivity
  16. Tapping into EF Core’s Pipeline

I’d also like to give a shout out to my friend and fellow Pluralsight author, Roland Guijt, who acted as tech reviewer as I created this course. His feedback and insights were invaluable as is evident not only in the final version of my course, but in his own courses on ASP.NET Core, C# and more.